Thursday, July 14, 2011

Celebrating a blue day......

I was dropping Bhavisha off to school this morning where they were celebrating 'blue day'. This generated quite a buzz in the Jha household, on what was otherwise a very 'everyday' sort of day. We pulled out Bhavi's new blue top from the wardrobe. She rummaged for her blue watch and matched a blue hairband and blue clips to it (the joy of having a little girl :).

She was looking quite edible so I clicked a snap of her as we approached school. Bhavi's teachers were standing with wide smiles at the entrance, which was decorated with blue balloons and streamers. The teachers themselves looked fresh and sparkling in their blue dresses, as they greeted each child with a bright 'good morning- you're looking cute...lovely..wonderful...'

It struck me, how celebrations are not just about 'special' days. Each day is special- another day in the unfolding of life itself. Like a gift wrapped; a layer to be removed each day, knowing that the joy is in the unwrapping and not what we'll find inside. Celebrating is an integral part of life. Recognizing what we can celebrate is an art, a way of life, because it means we are grateful for what we have.

Earlier in the morning, before getting ready for 'blue day', Shashank and I had been reflecting on how fast this week had flown by and I thought how it felt like nothing had moved forward.
However, energy and excitement are contagious and 'blue day' made me less blue! I walked back home thankful for the sun that shone after weeks of hiding, for the cool breeze against my face, for wellbeing, for the birds singing and the greenery around me, for exciting possibilities.

Life is the celebration. What are you thankful for today? What can you celebrate in this moment?